Tony and Jenny Enderby ~ Marine Experts
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Perfect snorkelling conditions!
This could be you! The conditions at Goat Island have been perfect for snorkelling. Calm, clear water, plenty of fish, loads of sunshine and good tides. See you at the beach! If you have never snorkelled before or if you can't swim book onto a Guided Snorkelling Experience by phoning Goat Island Dive on 0800 348 369.
Authors and photographers, especially knowledgeable about marine life. Based at Leigh, New Zealand.
Books include:
Know Your New Zealand Fishes,
Lonely Planet Diving and Snorkeling New Zealand
A Guide to New Zealand's Marine Reserves,
Goat Island Marine Reserve,
Warkworth to the Coast,
Spot X Diving New Zealand,
Spot X Fishing and Diving New Zealand and Spot X New Zealand Walks.
Leigh Volunteer Fire Brigade - 50 years
All images and text on this site are copyright Tony & Jenny Enderby